Maddox, Clarence, R4 Virginia - 5S-1 1/2E - Phone 161 on 279 - R - Virginia.
Maddox, J. L., R4 Virginia - 7SE - Phone 161 on 279 - R - Philadelphia.
Maddox, J. H., R3 Virginia - 5E - Phone 63 on 103 - O - Philadelphia.
Maddox, John W., R4 Virginia - 7SE - Phone 18 on 4 - R - Philadelphia.
Mahoney, Mart, R2 Virginia - 5E - Phone 71 on 103 - R - Philadelphia.
Mahoney, Martin, R2 Ashland - 1/2NE-1N - Phone 62-87 - O - (Spotted Polands) - Ashland.
Mahoney, S. J., R2 Ashland - 1/4E - Phone 72-88 - O - Ashland.
Mallicoat, Herman, R5 Virginia - 3S-2 1/2W - R - Virginia.
Mallicoat, Tom, R4 Virginia - 5S-1 1/2E - R - Virginia.
Maltby, Tom, R3 Arenzville - 2N - R - Arenzville.
Marcussen, Jens, R2 Ashland - 7 1/2N-1/2W - O - (R. I. Reds) - Newmansville.
Martin, Geneva, R2 Chandlerville - 2S-1/2E - R - Panther Creek.
Martin. L. M., R2 Ashland - 1/2S - Phone 66 - O - Ashland.
Martin, Robert, R2 Chandlerville - 2S-1/2E - R - Panther Creek.
Mashmeier, Henry, R1 Beardstown - 5E - Phone 908-4 - R - Bluff Springs.
Masten Bros., R2 Chandlerville - 5 3/4E-3S - Phone 31X7 - R - (Leghorns) - Panther Creek.
Masten, Ezra, R2 Ashland - 6N-3/4W - Phone 64-95 - O - Newmasville.
Matthew, J. L., R3 Virginia - 4 1/2E - Phone 16 on 208 - O - Philadelphia.
Matthew, L. C., R2 Ashland - 9 1/2N - O - (Ramboulettes) - Newmansville.
Matthew, Ralph V., R3 Virginia - 4 1/4E - R - Philadelphia.
Matthews, J. W., Bluff Springs - Near Town - Phone Beardstown 902-6 - O - (White Leghorns)
- Bluff Springs.
Maurer, E. C., R2 Ashland - 6N-1/2W - O - (Shorthorns) - Newmansville.
Maurer, George, R4 Virginia - 5SE - Phone 16 on 1 - O - (Jerseys and Durocs) -
McClure, Wm. E., R2 Virginia - 9NW - R - Sangamon Valley.
McCoy, F. G., Virginia - 5 1/2N-1 1/2E - R - Panther Creek.
McDonald, James, R1 Virginia - 2NW - O - (R. I. Reds) - Sangamon Valley.
McDonald, Marion, R3 Ashland - 7NW - O - Philadelphia.
McGinnis, J. J., Virginia - 3S-1E - R - (Buff Orpingtons) - Virginia.
McHenry, Mart, R1 Chandlerville - 5 1/2E - R - Chandlerville.
McIntosh, Will, R3 Beardstown - 7S-1W - O - (Herefords, Spotted Polands) - O - Hagener.
McKelvey, Robert, R1 Virginia - 3N - O - (Guernseys) - Sangamon Valley.
McLeod, James J., R3 Virginia - 6SE - Phone 81 on 310 - R - Philadelphia.
McLeod, Pete, R2 Beardstown - 4S - R - Beardstown.
McLin, E. O., R2 Virginia - 8NW - Phone Chandlerville 333 - R - Sangamon Valley.
McNeeley, Jesse, Philadelphia - Near Town - Phone Virginia 63 on 303 - O - (Spotted
Polands) - Philadelphia.
McNiel, Wm., R4 Beardstown - 5SW - R - Beardstown.
Mefford, Jesse, R1 Virginia - 2S-2 1/2W - Phone 71 on 208 - R - (Guernseys, Polands, White
Orpingtons) - Virginia.
Meier, Mrs. Wm., R3 Arenzville - 3 1/2N - O - Arenzville.
Meireis, J. P., R1 Beardstown - 9E - O - Bluff Springs.
Melchers, Mrs. Fred, R2 Ashland - 6N - O - (White Rocks) - Newmansville.
Melvin, W. T., R3 Virginia - 5 1/2SE - Phone 81 on 1 - R - Philadelphia.
Merwin, L. B., R1 Beardstown - 8E - O - Bluff Springs.
Meyer, Albert H., R1 Beardstown - 3E - Phone 930-5 - O - Bluff Springs.
Meyer Bros., R1 Arenzville - 2N - Phone 27 on 67 - O - Arenzville.
Meyer, Mrs. Caroline, R1 Arenzville - 2N - O - Arenzville.
Meyer, Edward H., R1 Arenzville - 3N-4W - Phone 27 on 67 - O - Hagener.
Meyer, Harold E., R1 Beardstown - 2E - Phone 930-5 - O - Bluff Springs.
Meyer, R. J., R2 Beardstown - 7N of Arenzville - Phone Arenzville 7 on 2 - O - Arenzville.
Mibbs, Ora, R1 Chandlerville - 3E-1S - Phone 42X5 - R - Panther Creek.
Michael, James, R2 Chandlerville - 2 1/2E-1 1/2S - Phone 31XX2 - O - Panther Creek.
Miles, John W., R3 Virginia - 5E - Phone 7 on 103 - O - Philadelphia.
Miller, Abraham, R2 Chandlerville - 2 1/2E-2 1/2S - Phone 31X4 - O - Panther Creek.
Miller, A. H., R1 Beardstown - 5E - R - Bluff Springs.
Miller, Aldon, R2 Virginia - 6W - Phone 2 on 110 - R - Bluff Springs.
Miller, Clifford, R3 Arenzville - 6NE - Phone Virginia 36 on 102 - O&R - Arenzville.
Miller, Geo., R1 Arenzville - 3N-4W - R - Hagener.
Miller, H. H., R5 Virginia - 3W - Phone 17 on 101 - O - Virginia.
Miller, Oscar, R2 Virginia - 8NW - O - Sangamon Valley.
Miller, Suell., R1 Arenzville - 2N-4W - R - Hagener.
Millner, E. B., R3 Virginia - 4E-2N - Phone 17 on 8 - R - Panther Creek.
Millner, Geo. O., R1 Virginia - 4N - Phone 36 on 110 - O - (Jerseys and W. Rocks) -
Sangamon Valley.
Millner, Wm., Virginia - 3 1/2E-2N - O - Panther Creek.
Milstead, Ed., R1 Chandlerville - 4E - Phone 426 - R - Panther Creek.
Milstead, E. R., R1 Chandlerville - 4 1/2E-1S - R - Panther Creek.
Milstead, Geo., R1 Chandlerville - 8E-1N - Phone 48X5 - O - Newmansville.
Milstead, John, Ashland - 6 1/2N-2 1/2W - R - Panther Creek.
Milstead, Leonard, R1 Chandlerville - 5E - R - Chandlerville.
Milstead, W. E., R1 Chandlerville - 7E - Phone 483 - O - Chandlerville.
Moffit, J. A., R1 Beardstown - 8E - R - Bluff Springs.
Monroe, Sam, R2 Ashland - 9N - O - (R. I. Reds, Polands) - Newmansville.
Moore, C. A., R2 Virginia - 7W - Phone 4 on 108 - O - Bluff Springs.
Moore, H. B., R2 Beardstown - 2S - Phone 931-2 - R - Bluff Springs.
Moorman, W. H., R1 Beardstown - 3E - Phone 931-2 - R - Bluff Springs.
Morgan, Edward, R2 Beardstown - S - R - Bluff Springs.
Morgan, James E., R3 Beardstown - 7S-2W - O - Hagener.
Morris, Albert, R1 Chandlerville - 7E-3/4S - R - Newmansville.
Morris, Scott, R1 Chandlerville - 7 1/2E - O - Chandlerville.
Morrison, K. M., R3 Beardstown - 2S - Phone 926-23 - O - Beardstown.
Muhlert, Chas., R2 Beardstown - 6SE - O - Arenzville.
Muhlert, Henry, Beardstown - 6SE - Phone 920-11 - O - Arenzville.
Murphy, Hardin, R1 Chandlerville - 7E-1 3/4S - Phone 49X6 - R - Newmansville.
Murphy, Howard, R2 Chandlerville - 2E-1S - R - Panther Creek.
Murphy, J. A., Chandlerville - 1E - O - (Polands) - Panther Creek.
Murphy, Rufus, R1 Chandlerville - 2E - Phone 293 - R - (Shorthorns and Polands) - Panther
Murphy, Walter, R2 Ashland - 5 1/2N-2W - R - Panther Creek.
Murray, A. B., R1 Virginia - 2S-2W - R - (Shorthorns, Spotted Polands) - Virginia.
Musch, Roy J., Virginia - 5S - Phone 616 on 7 - O - (Jerseys, W. Wyandottes) - Virginia.