Fanning, Marshall - R2 Arenzville - 1E - Phone 161 on 72 - R - Arenzville.
Fanning, R. E., Virginia - 3 1/2S-1E - Phone 71 on 9 - R - Virginia.
Fanning. Rollo, R1 Arenzville - 2N-2W - Phone 626 on 88 - R - Hagener.
Fast, E. N., R4 Beardstown - 5W - R - Beardstown.
Fast, L. A., R3 Beardstown - 1 1/2SW - Phone 924-15 - O - Beardstown.
Fielden, David, R2 Virginia - 8NW - Phone Chandlerville 34X3 - O - Sangamon Valley.
Fielden, Harry, R2 Virginia - 8NW - Phone Chandlerville 34X3 - O - (Jerseys and Leghorns)
- Sangamon Valley.
Fielden, R. H., R2 Virginia - 8 1/2NW - Phone Chandlerville 342 - O - Sangamon Valley.
Fielden, William, R2 Virginia - 8NW - Phone Chandlerville 114 - R - Sangamon Valley.
Fiedler, John V., R2 Virginia - 6W - R - Bluff Springs.
Fiedler, Valentine, R5 Virginia - 6W - Phone 36 on 10 - O - Bluff Springs.
Finn, Robert, R1 Virginia - 6N - Phone 7 on 206 - O - Sangamon Valley.
Finnegan, J. N., R4 Virginia - 3SE - Phone 17 on 279 - O - (Spotted Polands) -
Fischer, Roy H., R2 Beardstown - 5N of Arenzville - Phone Arenzville 63 on 67 - O -
Fishel, Lewis, Virginia - 5S-1E - R - (Barred Rocks) - Virginia.
Flatt, J. A., R1 Chandlerville - 6E-1 3/4S - R - Newmansville.
Flowers, Joe, R2 Beardstown - 2E - O - Beardstown.
Fox, Andrew, R3 Virginia - 4E-2N - Phone 7 on 268 - R - Panther Creek.
Fox, Dorothy E., R3 Virginia - 4E-2N - O - Panther Creek.
Fox, Ed., R3 Virginia - 4E - Phone 16 on 109 - R - Philadelphia.
Fox, F. C., R4 Virginia - 2 1/2S-2 1/2E - Phone 17 on 26 - R - (Jerseys, Durocs, Buff
Orpingtons) - Virginia.
Fox, I. O., R2 Virginia - 6E - Phone 3 on 268 - O - Philadelphia.
Fox, J. E., R3 Virginia - 7NW of Ashland - O - (Spotted Polands) Philadelphia.
Fox, J. H., R3 Virginia - 4 1/2E-2N - Phone 61 on 268 - O - Panther Creek.
Fozzard, Howard, R3 Arenzville - 4 1/2NE - Phone 16 on 113 - O - Arenzville.
Franks, Fred, R4 Virginia - 1E-2S - R - (Polands, Barred Rocks) - Virginia.
Frank, Louis, R1 Chandlerville - 6E - Phone 232 - R - Chandlerville.
Franks, Wm., R1 Virginia - 3 1/2NW - Phone 3 on 104 - R - Sangamon Valley.
Frazer, W. E., R3 Ashland - 1/2W - Phone 7-93 - O - Ashland.
French, Geo., R2 Virginia - 8W - Phone 616 on 338 - R - Sangamon Valley.
Fricke, A. H., R1 Arenzville - 2N-4W - O - Hagener.
Fricke, John W., R1 Arenzville - 6N-1E - R - Hagener.
Fricke, Lawrence, R1 Arenzville - 9W - O - Hagener.
Fricke, Theodore, R3 Arenzville - 4NE - Phone 4 on 113 - O - Arenzville.
Friend, E. H., R1 Chandlerville - 5E-3/4S - Phone 17X2 - R - Panther Creek
Friend, N. J., R2 Chandlerville - 4E-1S - Phone 44X1 - R - (Polands and Barred Rocks) -
Panther Creek.
Fuelling, Fred, R1 Arenzville - 6N-1E - O - Hagener.
Fulton, Henry, R2 Ashland - 1/2E-1/2N - Phone 31-87 - O - (Durocs and White Leghorns) -